Andy Dejka
Special guest
Coordinator of Parish Evangelization and Adult Disciple
Andy Dejka has been a guest on 7 episodes.
Skill Demo 7: Four Benefits of a Clear Path
Episode | January 18th, 2022 | 13 mins 11 secs
If you have been listening to the EquipCast for a while, you know that the Clear Path to Discipleship is one of the Key Characteristics of a Missional Church. Even though I've talked about this characteristic a lot, I still find that there are misconceptions about it.
So I ask Andy Dejka, one of the Coaches on the Parish Support Team, to break it down in 10 minutes. (Well, actually it took him 13, but I promise the extra 3 minutes are worth it!)
Episode 55: Dads Who Evangelize
Episode | May 18th, 2021 | 1 hr 4 mins
Have you ever struggled to pass on your faith to your children? I know I'm not alone when I say that talking about the faith in an age appropriate way to my children is hard. When they are young, just getting the threenages to sit still at mass is difficult. And when they are older...well...nothing I do impresses the teenagers. While I'm not an expert in religious education, I am a father. So I invited other passionate fathers to join me in a conversation about evangelizing our own children.
46: Principles of Team Prayer
Episode | February 23rd, 2021 | 55 mins 49 secs
I've been on many teams throughout my career with FOCUS and at the Archdiocese. One thing I've learned is that for a team to be truly collaborative, it must have prayer as a foundation. This foundation of prayer not only leads to greater trust among team members, it also keeps our team goals focused on God's mission for us. Effective team prayer offers the opportunity for teams to grow and discern together. Today's podcast offers 5 principles for effective team prayer.
The Clear Path to Discipleship: Steps 3 & 4
Episode | September 15th, 2020 | 53 mins 36 secs
We spend a lot of time on the EquipCast talking about reaching the lost and that parishes must be outward focused in order to grow. But I hear from many of you, "What about the already converted? We can't leave them behind either!" Steps 3 & 4 of the Clear Path to Discipleship focus on just that. How do we help disciples grow in their relationship with God, and how do we prepare them for mission?
Episode 28: The Clear Path to Discipleship: Step 1
Episode | September 1st, 2020 | 45 mins 20 secs
We all know that there is no silver bullet, no one program that will completely renew our parishes. Even the best programs fail if our parishioners don’t know what’s next. Parishioners will simply hop from program to program if we don’t tell them the process that will lead to growth in their relationship with God. We call this a clear path to discipleship. When a person enters a parish, do they know what steps to take in order to grow in their relationship with God? Today, Andy Dejka tells us that the first step on the clear path is Relational Outreach. Relational Outreach is the efforts of a parish to meet people who don't yet have a relationship with Christ and to build trust and arouse wonder at way that we live as Christians. That is, witnessing to the love of Jesus.
Episode 19: The Clear Path to Discipleship: Step 2 (Start Your Engines: The Driving Force of Conversions)
Episode | June 23rd, 2020 | 57 mins 14 secs
Have you heard a compelling presentation of the gospel that transformed your life? The power of our own conversions has led us to the belief that every parish needs a Conversion Engine. Join Andy Dejka and I (Jim Jansen) as we tell a little of our own stories and converse about questions such as: Why do we need a specific program or ministry for conversion if evangelization is everyone’s job? And, If our parish does decide to adopt a Conversion Engine, what should it look like?
Episode 3: Where Church Happens
Episode | April 3rd, 2020 | 51 mins 15 secs
We’ve always said, “It’s not about the building.” So if it’s not about building, then where does church happen? And where can it happen now? Join Calvin Mueller and Andy Dejka for Friday’s EquipCast as they discuss building a culture of community in small groups during the pandemic crisis and beyond.