Calvin Mueller
Special guest
Rural Coordinator of Parish Evangelization and Catechesis
Calvin Mueller has been a guest on 4 episodes.
The 4 Types of Parishes
Episode | June 1st, 2021 | 1 hr 24 secs
On a scale of 1-10, how missional would you say your parish is? In October 2020, the Archbishop launched the Big Goal that “Each parish in the Archdiocese of Omaha would become missional by the end of 6 years”. Implicit in that goal is the recognition that none of us are there yet. So, I invite each of you to ask, “Is my community dying, declining, swelling, or growing?” While these categories sound depressing, an honest conversation about where we are at is designed to help us receive the grace of pastoral conversion and to be invited deeper into the mission of the Church.
Episode 55: Dads Who Evangelize
Episode | May 18th, 2021 | 1 hr 4 mins
Have you ever struggled to pass on your faith to your children? I know I'm not alone when I say that talking about the faith in an age appropriate way to my children is hard. When they are young, just getting the threenages to sit still at mass is difficult. And when they are older...well...nothing I do impresses the teenagers. While I'm not an expert in religious education, I am a father. So I invited other passionate fathers to join me in a conversation about evangelizing our own children.
Episode 43: The Power of Small Groups
Episode | January 26th, 2021 | 41 mins 31 secs
Have you ever had something important happen in your life and had no one to share it with? Did you know that the average American hasn’t made a friend in the last five years? As Catholics, we know that community is integral to the faith, and yet, so many in the Body of Christ feel disconnected and alone. I’d like to propose a solution: small groups. Small groups give us the opportunity to enter into life with individuals and to form relationships. They allow us to live and grow in the faith in a way that is otherwise impossible when we do not have a consistent and intentional way of journeying together.
Episode 3: Where Church Happens
Episode | April 3rd, 2020 | 51 mins 15 secs
We’ve always said, “It’s not about the building.” So if it’s not about building, then where does church happen? And where can it happen now? Join Calvin Mueller and Andy Dejka for Friday’s EquipCast as they discuss building a culture of community in small groups during the pandemic crisis and beyond.