Jeff Cavins
Special guest
Jeff is a nationally known public speaker, author, television host, podcaster and pilgrimage leader whose engaging style of teaching has helped hundreds of thousands of Catholics grasp a better understanding of the Catholic faith and the Bible.
Jeff Cavins has been a guest on 2 episodes.
Episode 26: Step Out of the Boat (Jeff Cavins Part 2)
Episode | August 18th, 2020 | 32 mins 29 secs
I experienced a second conversion when I was a FOCUS missionary. I loved making friends and developing a relationship. And I loved the more catechetical moments where I was able to teach someone about the faith or teach them how to pray the rosary, but talking about Jesus and what he had done for my life…that made me uncomfortable because it didn’t fit with the culture I was trying to reach. However, I was convicted by the writings of JPII when he says that the proclamation of Jesus Christ and the salvation that he offers all people is the “hinge on which all evangelization turns.” Today, I was renewed in this conviction by the words of Jeff Cavins. He tells us, “The proclamation of the gospel is about going into a hurting world and telling them the truth about life.” This may seem daunting at first, but Continue the Conversation and hear how Jeff makes it so very simple to do!
Episode 25: The Activated Disciple (Jeff Cavins Part 1)
Episode | August 11th, 2020 | 50 mins 47 secs
I had the privilege of sitting down with Jeff Cavins to talk about his latest book, the Activated Disciple. And while he shared so many important truths, I feel like he really shared a bit of himself. Every insight comes with a story from his own life. Continue the conversations with us as we talk about everything from his conversion story to having a posse of saints.