Ron Huntley
Special guest
Director of Coaching, Divine Renovation Network
Ron Huntley has been a guest on 2 episodes.
Episode 137: Making Missionary Disciples in a Parish - A Clear Path
Episode | February 6th, 2024 | 51 mins 13 secs
catholic, catholic church strategies, catholic leadership, catholic ministry, church growth, clear path of discipleship, disciples, evangelism, evangelization, impactful ministry, jim jansen interview, making disciples, ministry alignment, parish development, parish transformation, spiritual community
Many of you listen to the EquipCast because you want to feel confident sharing your faith. We try to provide practical tools for this, and so we talk a lot about small groups, prayer, evangelizing adults, etc. But these are just tools, parts of a larger strategy to build flourishing parish communities. So, what does it take to actually transform the culture of a parish, to begin witnessing lives changed and to see more people in the pews? A Clear Path to Discipleship. Today, I bring you an episode from the Huntley Leadership Podcast. Ron Huntley, a man who coaches bishops, priests, and ministry leaders all over the world, asked me to be a guest on his podcast to talk about my book: A Clear Path. I want to share this episode with you in order to draw back the veil on some of the big picture work my team and I get to do with your parishes.
These Dry Bones Will Rise
Episode | September 8th, 2020 | 55 mins 56 secs
As a leader in your parish, it is easy to get bogged down with the day-to-day work of maintaining the parish. But if you have a heart like Fr. Lorig, you want to “major in the mission” instead of the maintenance. If you are a lay leader, you have to win the heart of your pastor in order to do this. And if you are a pastor, you feel the weight of the daily tasks as well as the people trying to influence you. Today, Ron Huntley, brings the energy and wisdom to dispel some of this discouragement. He tells us about his time at St. Benedict’s Parish in Halifax, Nova Scotia as well as his work with Divine Renovation.