Encouragement and inspiration for sharing your catholic faith
We found 3 episodes of EquipCast with the tag “community engagement”.
Phase 2: Discernment – How to Build a Clear Path of Discipleship
Episode | April 9th, 2024 | 42 mins 46 secs
catholic, catholic ministry, christian community building, church leadership, clear path to discipleship, community engagement, disciples, discipleship journey, evangelism, evangelization, faith-based storytelling, hospitality culture, making disciples, mission-driven strategy, parish renewal, prayerful leadership, spiritual discernment
What does the Lord say about the plans you have for your parish? As you seek renewal for your parish community, are you intentionally asking for the Lord’s input? While many of us are prayerful individuals, praying collectively with a team about the strategy for becoming mission-oriented probably feels like uncharted territory. However, if we want to succeed, we must invite the Lord to be part of the process. In this second episode of the series How to Build a Clear Path of Discipleship, Fr. Damian Zuerlein, Dcn. Doug Lenz, and Ann Lenz from St. Frances Cabrini discuss how as they brought change to their community, they remained open to God's direction and surrendered to His will, even when faced with challenges and uncertainties. Their experiences reflect a deep sense of faith and openness to the Holy Spirit's guidance in their parish life.
Reviving a Dying Parish: How Embracing a Culture of Invitation Breathed Life into St. Frances Cabrini
Episode | March 7th, 2023 | 54 mins 15 secs
belonging, building connections, community engagement, emotional intelligence, invitation, personal invitation, relationship with the holy spirit, reviving catholic parishes
St. Frances Cabrini, one of our oldest and most historic parishes, was dying. And if its story followed the usual pattern, it would be closed. Instead, the parish is not only growing, but its people are thriving. How did this community reinvent itself in less than 7 years? The parish leaders embraced a relationship with the Holy Spirit, allowing the him to guide their initiatives. Then, they started small, fostering intentional relationships, recognizing and inviting people to participate, and They now have a culture of invitation. Every parishioner knows they should be reaching out to others, drawing the community together and to the person of Christ.
Coach's Corner 2: Closing Churches
Episode | February 7th, 2023 | 8 mins 16 secs
archdiocese of omaha, catholic, catholic church, catholic faith, christian witness, church building preservation, church closures, church growth strategies, church leadership, closing churches, community engagement, cultural transformation, equipcast, faith renewal, missionary identity, new evangelization, pastoral vision, worship renewal
Did you know that in July of this year more than 20 parishes in our diocese will cease having Sunday Mass? Maybe one of these parishes is your own. The cessation of Sunday Mass will be one of the hardest events for faithful Catholics to process. It feels like the death of a loved one. However, this is not the first time God's people have had to deal with their worship in a particular place coming to an end. I’d like to offer lessons from the past. Why is this happening and what should our response be?