Encouragement and inspiration for sharing your catholic faith
We found 2 episodes of EquipCast with the tag “faith and community”.
Episode 173: The Art of Neighboring with Dave Runyon
Episode | January 28th, 2025 | 51 mins 23 secs
archdiocese of omaha, building relationships, catholic, catholic ministry, christian leadership, christian living, christian podcast, community building, dave runyon, disciples, evangelism, evangelization, faith and community, faith in action, local mission, love your neighbor, making disciples, neighborhood connections, neighboring movement, practical faith, social safety net, spiritual growth, the art of neighboring
Is busyness subtly drowning out your ability to love God and love others? When we're constantly rushing from one task to the next, we lose the time and mental space to notice the needs of those around us, let alone build meaningful relationships with them. Our hurried lifestyles often turn our homes into mere refuges from the chaos instead of places of true connection and community. Today’s guest, Dave Runyon, author of The Art of Neighboring, shares how simple acts of loving and connecting with our neighbors can create a profound social safety net – stronger than governmental programs – and foster a deeper sense of community.
Step 2: Conversion Moment – The Ministries that Make Up a Clear Path of Discipleship
Episode | October 8th, 2024 | 55 mins 5 secs
alpha course testimonials, alpha program, catholic, catholic faith, catholic ministry, catholic podcast, christian conversion, church community building, church outreach programs, conversion moments, disciples, discipleship, evangelism, evangelization, faith and community, faith journey, hospitality in church, making disciples, omaha archdiocese, parish life, personal transformation stories, religious education, small groups, spiritual growth, st. columbkille parish
Does your parish have Alpha, Christ Life, a parish retreat, or some other initiative that creates an opportunity for people to hear about Jesus, reflect on their faith, and take a step towards a real and lasting relationship with him? The Clear Path step Conversion Moment is designed to help individuals encounter Jesus and make a personal decision to follow Him by offering a clear proclamation of the Gospel. My guest, Marlo Monico, shares her experience building and sustaining a Conversion Moment. She shares stories of significant personal transformations and emphasizes the importance of hospitality, community, and continuous invitation in evangelization efforts.