Episode 118

Freedom of Body, Mind, and Soul: Integrating Faith through Movement with Christina Diers

Your Host

About this Episode

I know so many of you who are listening, like me, are trying to serve the kingdom. But how often do our own health concerns keep us from doing the promptings of the Holy Spirit? Sometimes, I feel weak intellectually, spiritually, and even physically. And when I stop to ponder how my physical health affects my mental/spiritual health and vice versa, I’m not surprised. I mean, God made us integrated beings, body and soul. So, let’s talk about what Jesus wants for our health, and let’s find true freedom to live as God wants us to.

Today’s guest, Christina Diers, talks about two programs, SoulCore and REFORM, that integrate physical exercise with prayer, specifically the rosary. In SoulCore, the movement is tailored to empathize with the themes of each mystery, creating a unique worship experience engaging all senses. REFORM emphasizes holistic nutrition and physical activity while integrating faith into daily choices. Both the daily practice of praying the rosary, fostering a deeper understanding of the mysteries, and advocating for a lifestyle where faith and health are intertwined, guiding individuals to honor their bodies as sacred gifts from God.

In this episode, learn how to:

  • make faith-centric choices that honor your body.
  • view exercise, nutrition, and daily choices through the lens of faith and gratitude.
  • embrace a lifestyle where faith is central to health and wellness

Don’t forget to check out SoulCore and REFORM for yourself!

For more practical advice and experiences from real people sharing their mission with the world, go to https://equip.archomaha.org/podcast/.

A Production of the Archdiocese of Omaha
Editor: Taylor Schroll (ForteCatholic.com)