
Episode Archive

Episode Archive

208 episodes of EquipCast since the first episode, which aired on October 7th, 2019.

  • Episode 5: Funding the Mission with Tact and Grace

    Episode  |  April 3rd, 2020  |  37 mins 50 secs

    Without a Sunday collection, parishes are wondering how to ask for money in order to keep the lights on and pay the staff. Shannan’s advice, “It’s not actually about paying the bills. It’s about vision, hope and transformation.” Make a connection, tell your story, build relationships, and invite people into the mission!

  • Episode 6: Why Accompaniment is More Necessary than Ever

    Episode  |  April 3rd, 2020  |  34 mins 4 secs

    Accompaniment is the current buzzword that many speak about passionately. Jen and Jim unpack the word. Then, they challenge us to 1) intentionally and consistently journey with a number of people, and 2) equip others to do the same.

  • Episode 3: Where Church Happens

    Episode  |  April 3rd, 2020  |  51 mins 15 secs

    We’ve always said, “It’s not about the building.” So if it’s not about building, then where does church happen? And where can it happen now? Join Calvin Mueller and Andy Dejka for Friday’s EquipCast as they discuss building a culture of community in small groups during the pandemic crisis and beyond.

  • Episode 2: Faithful Families

    Episode  |  October 7th, 2019  |  30 mins 55 secs

    Craig Dyke and Jim Jansen are both fathers of relatively large families. They’ll be able to offer theological insights on family and evangelization as well as their own personal insights on keeping their families faithful beyond the Sunday Mass.