Jim Jansen
Host of EquipCast
Director of the Office of Evangelization and Catechesis
Jim Jansen has hosted 184 Episodes.
Episode 25: The Activated Disciple (Jeff Cavins Part 1)
Episode | August 11th, 2020 | 50 mins 47 secs
I had the privilege of sitting down with Jeff Cavins to talk about his latest book, the Activated Disciple. And while he shared so many important truths, I feel like he really shared a bit of himself. Every insight comes with a story from his own life. Continue the conversations with us as we talk about everything from his conversion story to having a posse of saints.
Episode 24: Alpha Nebraska
Episode | August 4th, 2020 | 40 mins 55 secs
I was blessed to encounter Jesus in a deeper way in college, but not all people, and certainly, not all cradle Catholics have had this opportunity. So today, we talk with Jodi Meyer, Network Director for Alpha Nebraska. Alpha is a program whose purpose is to propose anew the core of our faith, the Gospel message. If its content were to be summed up into an elevator speech, it would be this: God loves you. He sent His son to die for you, and this truth brings meaning and purpose and hope and joy for your life…and that matters. And, this is a gift so big we have to share it with others. Alpha’s goal is to invite people back to a decision point and to decide for Christ. But, there are so many other aspects to this program that make it work. Continue the conversation with us!
Episode 21: The First 180 Days - A Pastor Plans His Transition
Episode | July 14th, 2020 | 44 mins 52 secs
Have you ever heard the old adage: A pastor should never change anything in his first year…except his socks and underwear? Well, we think you can’t wait that long to make changes! 40 percent of executives hired at the senior level are pushed out, fail, or quit within 18 months. (“Rise of a headhunter” Financial Times, March 30, 2009 ) So if you can’t wait to make changes, you should manage the transition.
Episode 20: Redoing Religious Education - A Family First Approach
Episode | June 29th, 2020 | 53 mins 52 secs
Imagine with me a parish where Religious Education is no longer simply content found in a book, a subject to be picked up once a week on Wednesdays. Imagine instead a parish where Religious Education is centered around the formation of each person’s faith life.
Gone would be the days of begging for catechists and of struggling to engage tired students. Gone would be the days of sacramental “graduations” where families disappear after confirmation. And gone would be the days of the pastor introducing children that he doesn’t know to the Archbishop.
I know that these fruits (and many many others) follow, because I had the joy of sitting down with Fr. Loseke and Jackie Schuler from St. Charles Borromeo. Over the past few years, they have transformed the way their parish does Religious Education, and by doing so, they have transformed the lives of their parish families.
Episode 19: The Clear Path to Discipleship: Step 2 (Start Your Engines: The Driving Force of Conversions)
Episode | June 23rd, 2020 | 57 mins 14 secs
Have you heard a compelling presentation of the gospel that transformed your life? The power of our own conversions has led us to the belief that every parish needs a Conversion Engine. Join Andy Dejka and I (Jim Jansen) as we tell a little of our own stories and converse about questions such as: Why do we need a specific program or ministry for conversion if evangelization is everyone’s job? And, If our parish does decide to adopt a Conversion Engine, what should it look like?
Episode 18: New Era, Old Strategies: Engagement Tips from the Apostles
Episode | June 15th, 2020 | 52 mins 11 secs
Pope Francis once said, “We are not living in an era of change but a change of era”. We think that this new era looks a lot like the Apostolic Age. Jen Moser takes us through the parallels, and offers some strategies based on the actions of the Apostles themselves.
Episode 17: School Tuition - Are Catholic Schools Worth the Cost?
Episode | June 8th, 2020 | 54 mins 27 secs
Episode 16: Not a 'How to' but a 'Who through' - The Holy Spirit on Mission
Episode | June 1st, 2020 | 54 mins 45 secs
We are living in a unique moment in Church history, the transition into a post-Christendom era. It is disorienting and new. While the mission of the Church has not shifted, the way we fulfill the mission to bring the Gospel to the world must change. We need the Holy Spirit to be the inspiration and guide. Pause with Jim Jansen and Fr. Lorig to reflect on the Holy Spirit and to pray that He moves in our lives.
Episode 15: Digital Church
Episode | May 26th, 2020 | 49 mins 34 secs
One thing is for sure, the digital church is not going away. Many have tasted its potential and while our buildings begin to open up, our online churches should not be shutting down. For those who want to take full advantage of the potential that digital church offers, it will require more strategy, more thought, and more planning than merely pointing a camera at your in-person events and services. Fr. Lorig and Jim Jansen offer answers to questions like "Which metrics matter?" and "How do we reach the unchurched online?"
Episode 14: Church Money - Raising Givers
Episode | May 18th, 2020 | 48 mins 4 secs
As a young associate, Fr. Lorig asked Fr. (now Bishop) Hanefeldt, “As a priest, am I supposed to tithe?” Fr. Hanefeldt responded, “You know? The more I give, the more I receive.” While he didn’t directly answer the question, he got to the heart of the issue. Money influences our relationship with God, and it’s in a competition with Him for our hearts. Most of us in ministry hate to touch the topic of money, but if we want to raise disciples, we have to also start raising givers. Jim Jansen and Fr. Lorig discus what he is going to do differently after reading the book ChurchMoney: Rebuilding the Way We Fund Our Mission.
Episode 13: 5 Myths of Evangelization
Episode | May 11th, 2020 | 59 mins 12 secs
Evangelization has been a buzzword in the Church for the past few decades, but many of us still don’t know what it means. It conjures up images of knocking on doors and standing on street corners. We know it’s necessary to do. After all, weren’t we commissioned to “Go and make disciples of the nations”? But, for some reason it’s hard to begin.
In today's EquipCast, Fr. Lorig and Jim Jansen discuss the hang-ups that many of us have when it comes to evangelization, and they leave us with a few tips to get started.
Episode 12: The Ideal Parishioner
Episode | May 4th, 2020 | 46 mins 1 sec
Sometimes the consumer culture of the United States creeps into our parish life. When this happens, the ideal parishioner becomes the loyal customer who shows up to all the events or the person who “does their time” volunteering. Fr. Lorig and Jim Jansen suggest that the ideal parishioner is instead the person who comes alive because they are engaged in the mission of the Church. The ideal parishioner thrives because they say yes only to the things that give them life. Tune in for some tips on discernment and for ways to draw others into the mission.