Encouragement and inspiration for sharing your catholic faith
We found 7 episodes of EquipCast with the tag “catholic faith”.
Coach's Corner 17: A Clear Path for School Parents
Episode | January 7th, 2025 | 12 mins 38 secs
catholic, catholic community, catholic education, catholic faith, catholic ministry, catholic podcast, catholic schools, church engagement, clear path of discipleship, disciples, discipleship, evangelism, evangelization, faith development, faith formation, faith journey, family faith, making disciples, parental involvement, parish support, religious education, school parents
One of the largest opportunities for evangelization is in our Catholic schools. But breaking into this mission field comes with its own struggles. Many parents are juggling so many responsibilities and pressures. They're dealing with work, family, and all the demands of modern life, which can make it hard to prioritize their faith journey. Plus, the church's efforts to engage them might not always resonate or fit into their busy lives. But the key is to meet them where they are. Join me today for a discussion about how to engage school parents in the clear path to discipleship.
Episode 167: Our Mission to Love: How to share your faith without being pushy
Episode | November 12th, 2024 | 56 mins 6 secs
authentic conversations, catholic, catholic faith, catholic ministry, community, compassion, disciples, discipleship, evangelism, evangelization, faith sharing, holy spirit, kindness, love, making disciples, mission, mission to love, outreach, parish life, personal testimony, relationships, service, sharing faith, spiritual growth, transformative love
I was recently asked, "How do you share your faith without coming across as pushy?" It’s a big question—how can we invite people into a relationship with Jesus without making it feel manipulative? The answer is simple: We love. The core of the Great Commission—"go and make disciples"—is the call to love because God is love. If we let that love shape and transform us, we become agents of love in our communities. This means nurturing our relationship with God first and letting that love overflow into our relationships with others. In this episode, I talk with Peter Andrastek, Senior Consultant at Evangelical Catholic. We explore how to share our faith through genuine connections and meaningful conversations. It’s about finding a balance: reaching out with urgency, yet having the wisdom to do it gently. Join me as we dive into what it means to be a missionary disciple, sharing the love we've been given in a way that feels authentic and true.
Step 2: Conversion Moment – The Ministries that Make Up a Clear Path of Discipleship
Episode | October 8th, 2024 | 55 mins 5 secs
alpha course testimonials, alpha program, catholic, catholic faith, catholic ministry, catholic podcast, christian conversion, church community building, church outreach programs, conversion moments, disciples, discipleship, evangelism, evangelization, faith and community, faith journey, hospitality in church, making disciples, omaha archdiocese, parish life, personal transformation stories, religious education, small groups, spiritual growth, st. columbkille parish
Does your parish have Alpha, Christ Life, a parish retreat, or some other initiative that creates an opportunity for people to hear about Jesus, reflect on their faith, and take a step towards a real and lasting relationship with him? The Clear Path step Conversion Moment is designed to help individuals encounter Jesus and make a personal decision to follow Him by offering a clear proclamation of the Gospel. My guest, Marlo Monico, shares her experience building and sustaining a Conversion Moment. She shares stories of significant personal transformations and emphasizes the importance of hospitality, community, and continuous invitation in evangelization efforts.
Episode 133: How to Engage Outsiders: Strategies for Sharing the Catholic Faith with Mallory Smyth
Episode | December 5th, 2023 | 45 mins 9 secs
catholic, catholic faith, catholic ministry, catholicism insights, disciples, engaging outsiders, evangelism, evangelization, evangelization strategies, faith journey, making disciples, mallory smythe, navigating doubt, personal narratives in faith, rekindled book, saints' impact on faith
How important is it to care about what outsiders think of the Catholic Church? Discover the significance of bridging the gap between the Church and those who may feel distant. In this episode, we dive into Mallory Smythe's remarkable journey back to Catholicism, exploring her encounters with saints, the power of personal narratives, and strategies for engaging outsiders in conversations about faith. Mallory's compelling journey, shared in her book, 'Rekindled,' not only offers a shot in the arm for your faith but also provides a roadmap for engaging with others and fostering a deeper connection with the Church.
Episode 128: Lampstand Initiative: Illuminating Faith Through Prayer and Community with Fr. Pat McLaughlin
Episode | October 17th, 2023 | 56 mins 53 secs
catholic faith, christian faith, community of prayer, deepen your faith, evangelization, explore prayer, faith journey, lampstand initiative, listen to god, prayer life, relationship with god, sharing faith, spiritual growth, spirituality, transformative prayer
Have you ever had a moment that deeply touched your soul, making you feel connected to God and changing your life? We often think of monumental conversion moments, but what if I told you that such transformative encounters could be a part of your daily life—through prayer? Prayer is more than just speaking to God; it's about creating a sacred space for genuine conversation. It's about building a relationship with Jesus, allowing Him to speak to us, fostering spiritual growth, and helping us understand ourselves and God's will. Beyond that, prayer lets us receive grace and feel God's immense love. And here's the beautiful part: these encounters aren't just for us; they're meant to be shared, strengthening our faith and enriching our communities. Today, I sit down with Fr. Pat McLaughlin for a conversation about the Lampstand Initiative. It's a program designed to transform our prayer lives, bringing us closer to Jesus. But it doesn't stop there. The Lampstand Initiative empowers us to not only deepen our own prayer lives but also to teach others, creating a ripple effect of prayer and evangelization in our communities.
Episode 127: Uncover Your Charisms Through Spiritual Openness with Sherry Weddell
Episode | October 10th, 2023 | 59 mins 26 secs
called and gifted inventory, catholic faith, charisms, christian community, christian discipleship, christian spirituality, discernment, evangelization, faith journey, faithful living, parish community, personal growth, religious transformation, sherry weddell, spiritual gifts
Ever felt the exhilaration of God's presence when using your unique spiritual gifts? Can you imagine what it would be like to discover and unleash your charisms for the benefit of your community? It's a journey of openness, spiritual growth, and the grace of God propelling us forward. Join me in an inspiring episode featuring Sherry Weddell, co-founder of the Catherine of Sienna Institute. She sheds light on charisms, reminding us that these divine gifts are meant to be shared, illuminating the lives of others with God's love and mercy. “These are ways that you and I have been empowered by God to be an instrument of His love and His beauty and His mercy and His healing and His provision for other people."
Coach's Corner 2: Closing Churches
Episode | February 7th, 2023 | 8 mins 16 secs
archdiocese of omaha, catholic, catholic church, catholic faith, christian witness, church building preservation, church closures, church growth strategies, church leadership, closing churches, community engagement, cultural transformation, equipcast, faith renewal, missionary identity, new evangelization, pastoral vision, worship renewal
Did you know that in July of this year more than 20 parishes in our diocese will cease having Sunday Mass? Maybe one of these parishes is your own. The cessation of Sunday Mass will be one of the hardest events for faithful Catholics to process. It feels like the death of a loved one. However, this is not the first time God's people have had to deal with their worship in a particular place coming to an end. I’d like to offer lessons from the past. Why is this happening and what should our response be?