Encouragement and inspiration for sharing your catholic faith
We found 10 episodes of EquipCast with the tag “evangelization”.
Episode 116: The Power of Charisms in Evangelization: The Archdiocese of Omaha Mentorship Program
Episode | March 21st, 2023 | 54 mins 57 secs
accompaniment, adult evangelization, charisms in christianity, christian spiritual growth, discerning opportunities, effective evangelism strategies, encouragement in faith, evangelization, holy detachment in ministry, mentor, mentorship in faith, mentorship program, personal prayer life, relational prayer, sharing faith
What keeps you from sharing your faith with others? Not enough time, knowledge, or energy? Perhaps it’s a fear of failure? Or maybe you imagine someone who evangelizes as having a skillset that you don’t. We know Jesus wants us to “go and make disciples”, so it stands to reason that he wants us to go just as we are. Today, I talk with Kelly Peklo and Matt Keller, graduates of the Archdiocese Mentorship Program. They share their journey to understand God’s call to evangelize and how they made that call fit into their lives. They talk about learning to pray and to hear the Lord’s voice. And he wasn’t asking them to share their faith like a famous tele-evangelist or door-to-door salesman. He was calling them to use their unique strengths, to share His love with others, by simply being themselves.