Episode 121

Where You Can Find Hope & Joy in Pastoral Planning


May 23rd, 2023

41 mins 27 secs

Your Host

About this Episode

July 1st is just around the corner, and with that comes a new experience of parish life for every person in the Archdiocese of Omaha. Many of us will experience a reduction in mass times at our parishes, new uses for our parish structures, and interruptions to the routines that many of us hold precious. This disruption can be difficult to process, so today, we welcome Fr. James Keiter, a pastor who has shepherded his people through these changes already.

Fr. Keiter shares his experience of how, again and again, the Lord has provided everything he and his parishioners need to manage their new reality, despite the upheaval. He also provides some surprising advice on how to rediscover the joy of being Catholic while continuing to grow the Church. If you’ve been feeling uncertain about the changes in your parish, this episode is here to offer you a bit of reassurance in the Lord.

For more practical advice and experiences from real people sharing their mission with the world, go to https://equip.archomaha.org/podcast/.

A Production of the Archdiocese of Omaha
Editor: Taylor Schroll (ForteCatholic.com)