Episode Archive
Episode Archive
202 episodes of EquipCast since the first episode, which aired on October 7th, 2019.
Episode 34: Finding Your Vision
Episode | October 13th, 2020 | 54 mins 6 secs
Do you have an ache in your heart? Do you see something in your family, your finances, your ministry, etc. that should be different? What do you envision that it could be? Cultivating a vision of a preferred future is part of the Christian Life. In Acts of the Apostles, Peter’s first public proclamation of the Kerygma includes words from the prophet Joel,” I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions”. But not all of us have Fr. Lorig’s talent for painting a picture of what should be. So how do we develop our own clear picture of the future? Continue the conversation to hear our insights.
The Virtues of a Missional Leader
Episode | October 6th, 2020 | 50 mins 36 secs
On the EquipCast, I spend a lot of time emphasizing the leadership skills of a missionary disciple. But this week, we spoke to Fr. Kizito, a missionary from Nigeria to our own diocese, and he reminded us that one basic skill of a missionary leader is the ability to grow in virtue.
How do I make disciples? By first being a disciple.
So let us sit at the feet of one of Jesus's own ministers and learn about the virtues he believes are key to mission.
Episode 32: Missional Amnesia
Episode | September 29th, 2020 | 48 mins 42 secs
Have you ever used a Catholic buzz word like missionary disciple or missional church and received blank looks in return? It’s a surprising experience, but the reality is many Catholics still don’t know what the word missional means. It used to be that missionaries were the people who traveled to Africa, and the Church in America grew because Catholics had big families. Our biggest problem used to be caring for all of the people who came to the Church’s doorstep, but now, we find ourselves trying to proclaim the Gospel to a world that doesn’t know much about who Jesus is or what the Church is really about. Many of us even know a family member or friend who has walked away from the faith, but it’s often difficult for us to believe that this is part of a larger cultural trend. However, the reality is that the city of Omaha is among the top 30 most secular or “post-Christian” cities in the US. Collectively, we have missional amnesia. We’ve forgotten that we are called to go and make disciples. We lack an imagination around what a missional church looks likes because, until recently, we haven’t had to be one. So, what do you say to someone who asks what a missional church is? Tune in to hear Fr. Lorig and Jim Jansen's musings on this topic.
Episode 31: The Golden Question
Episode | September 22nd, 2020 | 50 mins 33 secs
How do you practice the “everyday preaching” that Pope Francis calls us to without being weird? I’ve grappled with this question throughout my life. At one point, I would have been offended at the thought that I was one of those people who walked around talking to others about Jesus. Offended because I had in mind the awkward Christian and the Bible Thumper. Now, I love proclaiming the Good News to those around me, but I know it takes a few relational pre-requisites before another person will receive me and the message well. Continue the conversation with us as we discuss these pre-requisites.
The Clear Path to Discipleship: Steps 3 & 4
Episode | September 15th, 2020 | 53 mins 36 secs
We spend a lot of time on the EquipCast talking about reaching the lost and that parishes must be outward focused in order to grow. But I hear from many of you, "What about the already converted? We can't leave them behind either!" Steps 3 & 4 of the Clear Path to Discipleship focus on just that. How do we help disciples grow in their relationship with God, and how do we prepare them for mission?
These Dry Bones Will Rise
Episode | September 8th, 2020 | 55 mins 56 secs
As a leader in your parish, it is easy to get bogged down with the day-to-day work of maintaining the parish. But if you have a heart like Fr. Lorig, you want to “major in the mission” instead of the maintenance. If you are a lay leader, you have to win the heart of your pastor in order to do this. And if you are a pastor, you feel the weight of the daily tasks as well as the people trying to influence you. Today, Ron Huntley, brings the energy and wisdom to dispel some of this discouragement. He tells us about his time at St. Benedict’s Parish in Halifax, Nova Scotia as well as his work with Divine Renovation.
Episode 28: The Clear Path to Discipleship: Step 1
Episode | September 1st, 2020 | 45 mins 20 secs
We all know that there is no silver bullet, no one program that will completely renew our parishes. Even the best programs fail if our parishioners don’t know what’s next. Parishioners will simply hop from program to program if we don’t tell them the process that will lead to growth in their relationship with God. We call this a clear path to discipleship. When a person enters a parish, do they know what steps to take in order to grow in their relationship with God? Today, Andy Dejka tells us that the first step on the clear path is Relational Outreach. Relational Outreach is the efforts of a parish to meet people who don't yet have a relationship with Christ and to build trust and arouse wonder at way that we live as Christians. That is, witnessing to the love of Jesus.
Episode 27: The Amazing Parish
Episode | August 25th, 2020 | 51 mins 9 secs
How long do you think it takes to change the culture of a parish? While we know that change ultimately takes time, it’s often easy to look for a “silver bullet”, a program or curriculum that will suddenly make all the difference. But we know that behind every program is the people running it, and it’s the people that create culture. So today, Fr. Lorig and I sat down with Kevin Cotter from the Amazing Parish, and he told us about how they help parishes build a healthy culture that allows the pastor and his people to flourish.
Episode 26: Step Out of the Boat (Jeff Cavins Part 2)
Episode | August 18th, 2020 | 32 mins 29 secs
I experienced a second conversion when I was a FOCUS missionary. I loved making friends and developing a relationship. And I loved the more catechetical moments where I was able to teach someone about the faith or teach them how to pray the rosary, but talking about Jesus and what he had done for my life…that made me uncomfortable because it didn’t fit with the culture I was trying to reach. However, I was convicted by the writings of JPII when he says that the proclamation of Jesus Christ and the salvation that he offers all people is the “hinge on which all evangelization turns.” Today, I was renewed in this conviction by the words of Jeff Cavins. He tells us, “The proclamation of the gospel is about going into a hurting world and telling them the truth about life.” This may seem daunting at first, but Continue the Conversation and hear how Jeff makes it so very simple to do!
Episode 25: The Activated Disciple (Jeff Cavins Part 1)
Episode | August 11th, 2020 | 50 mins 47 secs
I had the privilege of sitting down with Jeff Cavins to talk about his latest book, the Activated Disciple. And while he shared so many important truths, I feel like he really shared a bit of himself. Every insight comes with a story from his own life. Continue the conversations with us as we talk about everything from his conversion story to having a posse of saints.
Episode 24: Alpha Nebraska
Episode | August 4th, 2020 | 40 mins 55 secs
I was blessed to encounter Jesus in a deeper way in college, but not all people, and certainly, not all cradle Catholics have had this opportunity. So today, we talk with Jodi Meyer, Network Director for Alpha Nebraska. Alpha is a program whose purpose is to propose anew the core of our faith, the Gospel message. If its content were to be summed up into an elevator speech, it would be this: God loves you. He sent His son to die for you, and this truth brings meaning and purpose and hope and joy for your life…and that matters. And, this is a gift so big we have to share it with others. Alpha’s goal is to invite people back to a decision point and to decide for Christ. But, there are so many other aspects to this program that make it work. Continue the conversation with us!
Episode 23: Leadership Lane
Episode | July 28th, 2020 | 43 mins 22 secs
Fr. Lorig and Fr. Dan Andrew both possess GallupStrengths that make them very natural leaders. They love to dream about the future and to figure out how to help people move into that new vision. But is leadership something your just born with, or is it something even these two had to learn about and grow into? They would say that it's definitely that latter. Listen as Fr. Lorig and Fr. Andrews muse on all things leadership.