Encouragement and inspiration for sharing your catholic faith
About the show
Sharing your Catholic faith with family and friends can sometimes feel daunting. Where do I start? How do I make an impact? Welcome to EquipCast, a weekly podcast from the Archdiocese of Omaha. We want to support your faith journey and equip you with the tools to express your faith authentically in your everyday life.
Each week, we’ll discuss practical advice and experiences from real people sharing their mission with the world. Each episode is filled with encouragement and inspiration so you can make an impact and make disciples in your own faith community. For more information and to stay connected with us, head to equip.archomaha.org/podcast/.
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Episodes and Blog Entries
Coach's Corner 5: Pruning for Abundance: Nurturing Growth in Your Life and Ministry
Episode | April 25th, 2023 | 11 mins 26 secs
abundance, adaptability, biblicalwisdom, christianity, christianliving, churchcommunity, divineguidance, lifetransformation, ministry, personaldevelopment, productivity, pruning, purposefulliving, selfimprovement, spiritualgrowth
Do you feel like the Lord is calling you to something new, but you simply don’t have the space or time in your schedule? Or are the good and restful parts of your life being neglected because you are hanging on to old habits or commitments? Cutting back to the most essential things can be difficult. This is why in today’s Coach’s Corner I focus on the art of pruning—shedding what no longer serves us to make room for growth and abundance. By drawing parallels between the natural world and our lives, I help you recognize the signs of when it's time to prune, discover the wisdom in knowing what to cut, when to cut, and how to cut. And, I’ll give practical tips for navigating this process. Join me as I explore the biblical foundation of pruning, and with the help of the Holy Spirit let’s prune with reckless abandon so as to make way for new life that is healthier and stronger than it’s ever been.
Episode 118: Freedom of Body, Mind, and Soul: Integrating Faith through Movement with Christina Diers
Episode | April 18th, 2023 | 43 mins 45 secs
catholic wellness, christian wellness, faith and fitness, holistic health, integrative faith, mind body soul, physical prayer, prayer in motion, rosary meditation, soulcore
I know so many of you who are listening, like me, are trying to serve the kingdom. But how often do our own health concerns keep us from doing the promptings of the Holy Spirit? Sometimes, I feel weak intellectually, spiritually, and even physically. And when I stop to ponder how my physical health affects my mental/spiritual health and vice versa, I’m not surprised. I mean, God made us integrated beings, body and soul. So, let’s talk about what Jesus wants for our health, and let’s find true freedom to live as God wants us to. Today’s guest, Christina Diers, talks about two programs, SoulCore and REFORM, that integrate physical exercise with prayer, specifically the rosary. In SoulCore, the movement is tailored to empathize with the themes of each mystery, creating a unique worship experience engaging all senses. REFORM emphasizes holistic nutrition and physical activity while integrating faith into daily choices. Both the daily practice of praying the rosary, fostering a deeper understanding of the mysteries, and advocating for a lifestyle where faith and health are intertwined, guiding individuals to honor their bodies as sacred gifts from God.
Episode 117: Resurrection Amidst Decline: The Church's Hope Revealed in the Easter Mystery
Episode | April 11th, 2023 | 39 mins 34 secs
archbishop insights, catholic beliefs, christian spirituality, easter, embracing faith challenges, faith journey, paschal mystery, reflections on easter, resurrection, season of hope.
This year has brought a lot of ups and downs for the Archdiocese of Omaha. We, like many dioceses, are facing the reality of a declining number of people in our pews and a culture that is less and less Christian. With this desolating reality in mind, I keep coming back in prayer to one major consolation: Jesus is risen! The victory is ours! In this Easter episode, I sit down with Archbishop Lucas for our yearly reflection and ask about his hope. We discuss the significance of Easter, delving into the profound mystery of Jesus's resurrection and its impact on faith and life. The archbishop highlights its role in bolstering hope especially in the face of ongoing changes within the Church. He offers an invitation to embrace the entire Paschal mystery, recognizing that both the cross and the resurrection are integral to the Christian journey.
Coach's Corner 4: St. Thomas & The Power of Belonging
Episode | March 28th, 2023 | 11 mins 30 secs
belonging in faith, catholic church teachings, christian community engagement, christianity, discipleship, evangelization, faith transformation, religious inclusivity, spiritual encounter, st. thomas the apostle, welcome
Why wasn’t St. Thomas with the other apostles when Jesus appeared? I used to imagine that he was doing some mundane task like buying groceries. But, if we read the passage carefully, it’s likely he was absent because he didn’t want to be with the other apostles. Jesus could have appeared at any time; if Thomas was only “gone to the store”, he could have waited. Additionally, Thomas’s response to the news of the resurrection is stubborn (and maybe a tad obnoxious) disbelief. In today’s Coach’s Corner, I ask the question: How do we help those in the same place as St. Thomas, the stubbornly disbelieving? Tune in to hear how helping a person belong can also help them to believe. The goal is to make non-believers feel accepted and engaged in the community, creating a path toward embracing faith and living a life of discipleship.
Episode 116: The Power of Charisms in Evangelization: The Archdiocese of Omaha Mentorship Program
Episode | March 21st, 2023 | 54 mins 57 secs
accompaniment, adult evangelization, charisms in christianity, christian spiritual growth, discerning opportunities, effective evangelism strategies, encouragement in faith, evangelization, holy detachment in ministry, mentor, mentorship in faith, mentorship program, personal prayer life, relational prayer, sharing faith
What keeps you from sharing your faith with others? Not enough time, knowledge, or energy? Perhaps it’s a fear of failure? Or maybe you imagine someone who evangelizes as having a skillset that you don’t. We know Jesus wants us to “go and make disciples”, so it stands to reason that he wants us to go just as we are. Today, I talk with Kelly Peklo and Matt Keller, graduates of the Archdiocese Mentorship Program. They share their journey to understand God’s call to evangelize and how they made that call fit into their lives. They talk about learning to pray and to hear the Lord’s voice. And he wasn’t asking them to share their faith like a famous tele-evangelist or door-to-door salesman. He was calling them to use their unique strengths, to share His love with others, by simply being themselves.
Fr. Flanagan: Lessons in Love and Kindness from Boys Town
Episode | March 14th, 2023 | 43 mins 6 secs
advocacy for vulnerable youth, boys town, catholic, child care revolution, compassionate caregiving, educational reforms, father flanagan, father flanagan's legacy, historical child care practices, inspirational leadership, social justice advocate
Father Flanagan, a Catholic priest, defied the norms of his time, founded Boys Town, and challenged the conventional approach to child care. His dedication and vision led to the creation of a space where children could come to live as a family, receive education, and be guided with love and compassion. The impact of Boys Town reverberated across America and the world, influencing child care systems and emphasizing kindness, equality, and love. This episode not only recounts Father Flanagan's journey but also explores the ethos of Boys Town and its transformative effect on the lives of children. From facing societal opposition and standing up against racial discrimination to advocating for the rights of Japanese Americans during World War II, Father Flanagan exhibited extraordinary compassion and resilience.
Reviving a Dying Parish: How Embracing a Culture of Invitation Breathed Life into St. Frances Cabrini
Episode | March 7th, 2023 | 54 mins 15 secs
belonging, building connections, community engagement, emotional intelligence, invitation, personal invitation, relationship with the holy spirit, reviving catholic parishes
St. Frances Cabrini, one of our oldest and most historic parishes, was dying. And if its story followed the usual pattern, it would be closed. Instead, the parish is not only growing, but its people are thriving. How did this community reinvent itself in less than 7 years? The parish leaders embraced a relationship with the Holy Spirit, allowing the him to guide their initiatives. Then, they started small, fostering intentional relationships, recognizing and inviting people to participate, and They now have a culture of invitation. Every parishioner knows they should be reaching out to others, drawing the community together and to the person of Christ.
Coach's Corner 3: When Events Don't Make a Difference
Episode | February 28th, 2023 | 10 mins 18 secs
40-20-40rule, and eventsuccesstips, archdioceseofomaha, childcareforevents, equipcast, eventdesign, eventeffectiveness, eventfollowup, eventimpact, eventmanagement, eventplanning, eventstrategies, podcastepisode, spiritualgrowth, transformationalevents
Ever poured your heart into planning an event, only to see the enthusiasm fade away soon after it ends, leaving you wondering what could have been done differently? Let's dive into the art of event planning and execution together, unveiling five simple yet impactful tips to create events that resonate and nurture spiritual growth.
Episode 113: How to Accompany Someone Through the Intersection of Faith and Gender Identity with Fr. Sean Kilcawley
Episode | February 21st, 2023 | 57 mins 50 secs
catholic church and gender issues, challenging traditional beliefs, church teachings and gender, conversations about faith and belonging, faith and gender identity, faith-based perspectives on gender, integration of faith and personal identity, love and acceptance in the church, navigating gender identity and spirituality, overcoming fear of scandal
How do we share the love of Jesus with someone who finds our beliefs contrary to their way of life? Accompaniment can be particularly tricky when we find ourselves called to walk with someone whose behaviors may not align with Church teachings. But we know the transformative power of God’s love and should not keep it to ourselves. So how do you walk the fine line between accompaniment and accommodation with someone like this? Today, I talk with Fr. Sean Kilcawley of the Diocese of Lincoln. Over the years, the Lord has called him into ministry with people who struggle with addiction and/or question their identity. He has made a career out of answering the question: What would it be like to make it safe for people to name the difficult things in their hearts? Specifically, we dig into the topic of gender identity, encouraging empathy, love, and understanding when dealing with complex issues related to faith, gender, and identity.
Episode 112: Intentional Accompaniment: How to Share Your Faith Boldy and Fruitfully with Michael Hall
Episode | February 14th, 2023 | 52 mins 55 secs
accompaniment, building relationships in evangelism, catholic, catholic christian outreach (cco), catholic ministry, evangelization techniques, faith-sharing strategies, focus ministry, growing in faith and mission., holy spirit guidance in evangelism, intentional accompaniment, mentorship in evangelization, michael hall, ministry leaders, sharing faith authentically, sharing my faith
I hear so many people these days saying things like, “I feel the Lord calling me to share my faith with others.” But for so many of us, evangelization is new and daunting. So today, I invited Michael Hall, an expert in accompanying people through conversion, to share his insight. Michael authored the book, "Intentional Accompaniment", and he works for Catholic Christian Outreach, a ministry in Canada that is similar to FOCUS. He has taken their tools and techniques for evangelization and applied them to the everyday settings of parish and family life. And, he makes it easy! Michael provides some fantastic baby steps for sharing one’s faith more boldly and fruitfully.
Coach's Corner 2: Closing Churches
Episode | February 7th, 2023 | 8 mins 16 secs
archdiocese of omaha, catholic, catholic church, catholic faith, christian witness, church building preservation, church closures, church growth strategies, church leadership, closing churches, community engagement, cultural transformation, equipcast, faith renewal, missionary identity, new evangelization, pastoral vision, worship renewal
Did you know that in July of this year more than 20 parishes in our diocese will cease having Sunday Mass? Maybe one of these parishes is your own. The cessation of Sunday Mass will be one of the hardest events for faithful Catholics to process. It feels like the death of a loved one. However, this is not the first time God's people have had to deal with their worship in a particular place coming to an end. I’d like to offer lessons from the past. Why is this happening and what should our response be?
Episode 111: Why Catholic Schools are Still Vital for Educating a New Generation of Catholics
Episode | January 31st, 2023 | 59 mins 24 secs
Did you know that since 1990 more than 400 new Catholic schools have opened in the United States? Unfortunately, during that same period there's been a net loss of more than 760 Catholic schools. We now have fewer total students in Catholic schools in the United States then we did in 1930 despite the fact that the Catholic population has tripled since then. I got a chance to sit down with Archbishop J. Michael Miller, CSB. He served as the secretary for the Congregation for Catholic Education in Rome, and so we discuss what the Church teaches about our Catholic schools. We go over the history of how participation in our schools has decreased, the importance of a partnership with parents, and the five essential marks of Catholic schools. Catholic schools have a beautiful mission to evangelize, so for anyone who loves schools and loves the mission of the Church, this episode is for you!