
Encouragement and inspiration for sharing your catholic faith

About the show

Sharing your Catholic faith with family and friends can sometimes feel daunting. Where do I start? How do I make an impact? Welcome to EquipCast, a weekly podcast from the Archdiocese of Omaha. We want to support your faith journey and equip you with the tools to express your faith authentically in your everyday life.

Each week, we’ll discuss practical advice and experiences from real people sharing their mission with the world. Each episode is filled with encouragement and inspiration so you can make an impact and make disciples in your own faith community. For more information and to stay connected with us, head to equip.archomaha.org/podcast/.

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Episodes and Blog Entries

  • Episode 110: Faith & Hope Amidst Pastoral Planning

    Episode  |  January 24th, 2023  |  46 mins 21 secs

    By now, you’ve probably heard about the Journey of Faith. This is the archdiocese’s name for pastoral planning, the process by which a diocese tries to properly allocate its resources when faced with changing demographics, population shifts, and the decreasing availability of priests. That all sounds very clinical, but at the heart of it, we know that the people of our diocese will experience loss. So today, I bring you Kathy Slusarski. She is a born and raised Nebraskan, widow, and grandmother of 11, and Kathy has been through pastoral planning three times. This could have left her hardened and bitter, but instead, she views her Catholic faith as something that transcends the physical location of a church and is confident that Jesus is with them no matter where they worship. She has found hope through her faith and community and by embracing the transformative power of Jesus.

  • Episode 109: Why go it alone when you can Live Lent Together?

    Episode  |  January 17th, 2023  |  44 mins 13 secs

    I’ve told you before that I’m convinced small faith sharing groups will bring renewal to our Church. One of my favorite ways to get small groups started in a parish is through Live Lent Together. This initiative of the Archdiocese of Omaha allows people who are new to the work of evangelization to take a first step into mission. I’ve also seen it bear great fruit in the lives of participants. Today, I bring you three stories of Live Lent Together small groups and the fruit of shared faith.

    P.S. Want to check out a training to see if Live Lent Together is right for you? Go to ArchOmaha.org/Lent

  • Episode 108: Ministering to Young Mothers

    Episode  |  December 13th, 2022  |  46 mins 35 secs

    In the world of evangelization, there is a lot of talk about how to reach families because the young family is often the most underserved demographic of our parishes. But how do we catch them when parents are so often busy with work, their children’s extracurricular activities, and all the craziness that just comes with growing a family? The answer: Begin with moms. Over the years, my lovely wife, Kim, and I have found ourselves ministering to mothers. This has taught us that the heart of family is the mother, and she is often staving for connection and community. So today, we tell you stories of connecting with the young, busy moms and how that has led to evangelizing the family.

  • Episode 107: The Gift in Everyone

    Episode  |  December 6th, 2022  |  44 mins 5 secs

    Have you ever noticed that the unique story of one person can highlight a universal truth about humanity? I often ponder how the Lord uses the story of someone who is seemingly different from myself to teach me that we’re not so different after all. Today, I talk with Kathy Miklas about her work at QLI, a world-class rehabilitation center in Omaha. She shares with us her story of staring a faith sharing group with her clients and of how, through listening, she has come to the conviction that there are gifts in everyone that need to be shared.

  • Coach's Corner 1: Getting the Most Out of Mass

    Episode  |  November 29th, 2022  |  10 mins 27 secs

    I’m trying something new. My team and I have the privilege of working with leaders in parishes as they discern how to move their parish culture toward mission. This has brought a multitude of topics to my attention that could be aired on the EquipCast. And so, today, I bring you the Coach’s Corner where we break down important topics to help equip you and your team for mission in your church, in your family, and in your ministry. This episode’s topic might not immediately scream “equipping disciples”, but it is the foundation of everything we do. Tune in for a 10 minute episode on Getting the Most Out of Mass.

  • Episode 106: Pray for Your Priests

    Episode  |  November 22nd, 2022  |  34 mins 15 secs

    If you’ve had a chance to check out the Journey of Faith, you know there are many reasons we’ve entered a season of restructuring in our diocese. One of these reasons is that by 2033, we will have approximately 81 priests, and currently, there are 136 parishes. If we want to keep our priests from the inevitable burnout, something needs to change. But, what is the average layperson to do? Today I speak with Katie Keller, the local coordinator for the Seven Sisters Apostolate. This is a group of women committed to one day a week praying for a particular priest. Now, if you are not a woman or don’t feel particularly called to this ministry, I’d still encourage you to listen to the episode. My guest imparts many bits of wisdom around prayer, such as: How do I persevere when I am tired and feel like I’m running uphill? How do I know what to pray for? Am I interceding for the right things?

  • Episode 105: The Gospel Changes Everything!

    Episode  |  November 15th, 2022  |  57 mins 54 secs

    Whatever your ministry, whatever your background, I’m confident that today’s episode is for you. I’m confident because it is about the Gospel, and I’ve seen first-hand the power of the good news of Jesus.
    It revolutionizes lives, marriages, and ministries.
    So, whether you are involved in a parish ministry, a ministry of mercy, or just the daily ministry to your own family, I encourage you to tune in. This episode will help you share the core gospel message in a clear and explicit way as well as to overcome the common obstacles which hold us back from proclaiming Jesus to those we serve.

  • Episode 104: Everyday Spiritual Warfare

    Episode  |  November 8th, 2022  |  43 mins 15 secs

    The victory is ours; through Jesus, the battle is won! (1 Corinthians 15:57) I know this to be true, but does it ever feel like the battle for your own heart and mind is on-going? Today, I talk with Jessica Navin about what’s really at the root of spiritual warfare, or the enemy’s attempt to steal our faith. She provides practical tips for noticing the trajectory of our thoughts and using scripture to defend ourselves. And while there is no silver bullet, she shows how easy it can be to let the Lord’s victory be ours when we learn to cooperate with his plan.

  • Episode 103: Healthy Families: The Key to Evangelization

    Episode  |  November 1st, 2022  |  47 mins 53 secs

    JPII once said in a homily “As the family goes…so goes the whole world in which we live.” As I continue to beat the drum for missional communities, I’d like to go deeper and look at the foundation of these communities: the family. Did you know that 85-90% of Catholics in the pews on Sunday are from intact families? If we want to fight the current diminishment of the Church, we must pay attention to this trend. Today, my guest, J.P. De Gance, tells us about his ministry, Communio. They help parishes diagnose the relationship health of their members and to come up with a plan that meets the felt need of the people. As the statistic implies, healthy relationship are the key to drawing people back to the gospel.

  • Episode 102: How to find time and organize your life

    Episode  |  October 25th, 2022  |  37 mins 11 secs

    The conversation today might at first feel like a niche topic. I talk to Fr. Tom Fangman about how he learned to let go and start working with an administrative assistant. Now, if you aren’t a pastor or a CEO, you might ask, “How can this possibly apply to me?” The reality is we all, at times, try to hold on to control when we don’t need to. The surrender necessary to let go as well as the ability to learn to trust another individual is a lesson for everyone. It’s often even a conversion of heart, and Fr. Tom Fangman paints a picture of conversion that is inspiring.

  • Episode 101: Supporting Mothers and Children

    Episode  |  October 18th, 2022  |  58 mins 30 secs

    In a post-Roe world, the ministries that support mothers and children are more necessary than ever. In Omaha, we have a few homes for pregnant women, and today, I’d like to highlight one: Mater Filius. Julie Mainelli and Stacy Floersch tell us stories that exemplify the power of prayer, teamwork, and a ministry of presence. They are a witness of a Church that embodies love. And even though you may not be called to care for women and children the way these ladies have, I’m confident that their example is reproducible in any ministry.

  • Episode 100: Grief & Loss in Pastoral Planning

    Episode  |  October 11th, 2022  |  59 mins 8 secs

    As you know, the culture has been rapidly changing around us, and as a result, the Church is diminishing in size. If we want our parishes to flourish again, we must heed the call to become missional communities. The Archbishop has started the Journey of Faith for this very reason. However, if you have ever experienced change before, then you know it’s not all butterflies and rainbows. Even happy changes (moving off to college, getting married, etc.) come with moments of grief. In fact, it’s important to grieve the change. Today, Fr. Kevin Vogel joins me to discuss how to grieve well while on this Journey of Faith.