
Encouragement and inspiration for sharing your catholic faith

About the show

Sharing your Catholic faith with family and friends can sometimes feel daunting. Where do I start? How do I make an impact? Welcome to EquipCast, a weekly podcast from the Archdiocese of Omaha. We want to support your faith journey and equip you with the tools to express your faith authentically in your everyday life.

Each week, we’ll discuss practical advice and experiences from real people sharing their mission with the world. Each episode is filled with encouragement and inspiration so you can make an impact and make disciples in your own faith community. For more information and to stay connected with us, head to equip.archomaha.org/podcast/.

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Episodes and Blog Entries

  • Episode 99: Teach Less for More

    Episode  |  September 27th, 2022  |  44 mins 7 secs

    We’ve all had the experience of drinking from a firehose of information. At seminars or retreats where this happens, I often hear people say things like, “It’s overwhelming…but all the information is good!” And it’s true, all the information is good. But, how much of it sticks? Today, we are finishing our series on The 7 Practices of Effective Ministry with the adage “teach less for more”. Tune in today to hear from, Jen Moser, our Leadership Formation Specialist. Over the years, she has learned to hone the curriculum of the Mentorship Program so that participants walk away with the most important information.

  • Narrow the Focus

    Episode  |  September 20th, 2022  |  37 mins 55 secs

    Our lives are busy. If you are like me, every day, there are demands on your time. I have obligations as a father, as a full-time employee, and as a faithful parishioner. If I say yes to every good idea that comes my way, then I won’t have time for the most important things. So, how does one choose? Today, I pull another teammate in front of the microphone to talk about how to “narrow the focus”. The overabundance of good things to say yes to is not just a problem in our daily lives, it also shows up in ministry work and parishes. The good (saying yes to every good thing) often becomes the enemy of the great (prioritizing one thing so that it can really flourish). Tune in to hear from Andy Dejka about pruning so that the most important things can flourish.

  • Episode 97: Clarify the Win

    Episode  |  September 13th, 2022  |  45 mins 4 secs

    Is it important to "win" at ministry work? Should we set goals, run after them, and measure them? It's probably no surprise that my answer to this is a resounding "YES!"

    Today, I pull Whitney, the producer, in front of the microphone to talk about what she calls her "extreme need for clarity". Her drive for clarity makes our team goals sharper and our wins easier to achieve.  And, yes, winning is not everything, but when we do clarify what winning looks like, our team is more effective at the real work: bringing souls to Jesus.

  • Episode 96: Prayer: Manifesto

    Episode  |  September 6th, 2022  |  45 mins 50 secs

    What is the Lord doing for you in prayer?

    As many of us know, life comes with suffering. Our daily struggles can so easily rattle us and disrupt our peace. This, then, creeps into the way we interact with God.

    Today, I bring you the story of Jill Ruskamp. She has built a personal manifesto around her prayer, collecting moments of inspiration, scripture passages, words from God, and key memories. Not only does it bring her peace in the middle of suffering, but it has also become a great tool for evangelization. As we learn our own stories more deeply, we develop a more profound respect for the stories of others.

  • Skill Demo 12: How to Prepare for the Unknown

    Episode  |  August 30th, 2022  |  15 mins 52 secs

    The culture is changing around us, and the things that used to grow the parish community no longer do. If we want to continue drawing others to Jesus, we must change the way we walk with people in the secular world. For most of us (dare I say ALL of us), this means venturing into the unknown. We are in uncharted territory and must figure out our way forward. Making this shift towards becoming a missional community means opening ourselves to the newness that God desires for us. It involves changing our habits, our processes, and even our expectations of what is possible. Many of us are good at leading others to places that we've already been. But, how do you lead when you've never been to that place yourself? I'm going to walk you through five principles for leading into the unknown.

  • Episode 95: The Impact of Live Lent Together

    Episode  |  August 23rd, 2022  |  41 mins 37 secs

    I know…I know! Talking about Lent in August feels like it should be in one of those “It’s too early for Christmas” memes. You guys know, I get really excited about the impact small groups can have on a parish, so I just couldn’t wait to share this story with you! Sacred Heart, a parish in Omaha, was able to use their Live Lent Together initiative to both bring parish leaders together and to reach the peripheries. After listening, I hope you consider growing Live Lent Together at your parish.

  • Episode 94: The Thresholds of Conversion and Discipleship

    Episode  |  August 16th, 2022  |  46 mins 31 secs

    The buzz phrase "Meet people where they are!" has been around for a while now. Pope Francis often concretizes this in a call to go out and be with those who are suffering. While many of us are no stranger to caring for the physical needs of others, we know that the spiritual poverty of the United States is where the greatest need lies. So, how do we meet people where they are when the need is intangible? One tool that my team, The Parish Support Team, has found to be very useful is the Thresholds of Conversion and Discipleship. These Thresholds give us a common language for evangelization and help us to identify where people are at on their spiritual journey. Join me for the conversation!

  • Episode 93: Hearing the Voice of the Lord

    Episode  |  August 9th, 2022  |  46 mins 3 secs

    This week I talk to a friend in the Diocese of Houma Thibodaux. If you couldn't tell by the hard to pronounce spelling, that's in Louisiana. There, they also have a Parish Support Team tasked with helping pastors and parishes become missional communities. I've looked to them for more than a year now as an example for my team. One of the most surprising things we've learned? How to pray more intentionally about the work that we do. Tune in to hear some really practical advice for hearing the voice of the Lord.

  • Episode 92: Creating Cultures of Generosity

    Episode  |  August 2nd, 2022  |  48 mins 58 secs

    As much as I would like them to, our episodes on stewardship do not do as well as our episodes on evangelization. We are so used to thinking about stewardship as just giving money to keep the lights of our parish on. While this kind of generosity is good, a cultivating a Culture of Generosity takes so much more. In fact, we know, through parables such as the rich man and Lazarus, that generosity is one of the keys to sanctity. So, I encourage you to give today's episode a chance. Dave Baranowski from the Archdiocese of St. Louis talks about how to gather and form leaders for generosity, and I promise, it's more than a pitch for money!

  • Episode 91: How to Talk About Abortion

    Episode  |  June 28th, 2022  |  46 mins 24 secs
    abortion, abortion dialogue academy, catholic, catholic ministry, dialogue, katherine burow, ministry, ministry leaders, pro-life, pro-life in 7 minutes, roe v. wade

    The end to abortion is here! ...Legally...at the federal level. While we should celebrate a major victory in the fight against abortion, the work has really just begun. If we want to end abortion, not just make it illegal, then we have to change minds and hearts. Today's guest, Katherine Burow, tells us "A lot of people are pro-choice because they've never heard a compelling secular argument." Katherines work as the Executive Director of the Abortion Dialogue Academy is to end abortion by changing the culture. They spend much of their time on Nebraska college campuses changing hearts on the topic of abortion through the use of a 7 minute argument. She shares some of her wisdom with us today.

  • Skill Demo 11: How to get stuff done

    Episode  |  June 21st, 2022  |  7 mins 48 secs

    Let's talk about productivity. There is this lie that is a two-edged sword in the Christian world. For some, getting tasks done does not come naturally, and so it can rob them of the peace that comes with a relationship with God. On the other hand, we often deeply feel the urgency that comes with a call from God causing us to "over produce" or to work ourselves to the bone in order to "achieve" His will. Neither is good. Growing in skills of execution can help us be productive without falling into either lie. Thus, I want to offer you an 8-minute skill demo. Nothing too deep, just some tips from one of the executors on my team.

  • Episode 90: Myth Busting: Clear Path of Discipleship

    Episode  |  June 14th, 2022  |  45 mins 27 secs

    The Archdiocese's Big Goal, each parish in the Archdiocese of Omaha will be a missional community, has three characteristics: collaborative leadership, a clear path to discipleship, and a culture of generosity. I believe we can't talk about these enough. So today, I have another episode on the clear path to discipleship for you. In many ways, the clear path isn't a new idea; it's just a new expression of something that is as old as the Church. Thus, people don't respond negatively to it, but I have encountered quite a few misconceptions that seem to trip people up. They think the clear path is just the newest buzzword, a quick fix that puts people on an assembly line and cuts all ministries out of a parish. If you've thought these things (or if you know someone else who has), let me mythbust for you!