Encouragement and inspiration for sharing your catholic faith
About the show
Sharing your Catholic faith with family and friends can sometimes feel daunting. Where do I start? How do I make an impact? Welcome to EquipCast, a weekly podcast from the Archdiocese of Omaha. We want to support your faith journey and equip you with the tools to express your faith authentically in your everyday life.
Each week, we’ll discuss practical advice and experiences from real people sharing their mission with the world. Each episode is filled with encouragement and inspiration so you can make an impact and make disciples in your own faith community. For more information and to stay connected with us, head to equip.archomaha.org/podcast/.
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Episodes and Blog Entries
Episode 136: Discover the Power of Authentic Connection
Episode | January 30th, 2024 | 43 mins 22 secs
authentic relationships, building community, catholic, catholic ministry, deepening connections, disciples, evangelism, evangelization, global community impact, guatemala outreach, making disciples, missionary experiences, missions in guatemala, presence beyond projects, solidarity and connection, spiritual transformation
Have you ever found yourself yearning for deeper connections and genuine togetherness in a world that often feels isolated? Our latest episode is all about uncovering the transformative power of missions in Guatemala. Join us as we explore the significance of presence, beyond just projects, and learn why authentic solidarity is essential in today's culture. In this episode, Charlie Petro shares insights on moving beyond surface-level connections to truly listen, connect, and love those around us.
Episode 135: Transformative Conversations: How to Fostering Empathy and Understanding with the Abortion Dialogue Academy
Episode | January 23rd, 2024 | 43 mins 14 secs
abortion dialogue academy, catholic, catholic ministry, compassionate dialogue, connection through communication, difficult conversations, disciples, effective communication, empathetic communication, evangelism, evangelization, making disciples, navigating heated discussions, pro-life advocacy, transformative conversations, understanding perspectives
Have you ever found yourself in the middle of a heated conversation and wondered how it even got there? Or maybe you've hesitated to bring up a sensitive topic, fearing it could spiral into an emotional rollercoaster? In our latest episode, we explore powerful insights on transforming controversial discussions into opportunities for understanding and connection. I had the pleasure of chatting with Katherine Burow, Executive Director of the Abortion Dialogue Academy, and she shared powerful insights on fostering empathy, finding common ground, and approaching conversations with the most charitable interpretation of others' perspectives. Katherine shares valuable strategies for effective communication, drawing inspiration from the teachings of Jesus and the mission of the Academy. Whether you're interested in pro-life advocacy or simply improving your communication skills, this conversation provides practical tips to approach challenging dialogues with understanding and compassion.
Coach's Corner 11: Plundering the Egyptians: How to take the good from secular wisdom and leave the bad
Episode | January 16th, 2024 | 9 mins 59 secs
catholic, catholic ministry, continuouslearning, discernmentinfaith, disciples, evangelism, evangelization, faithandlearning, faithfulgrowth, making disciples, missiondrivenlife, podcastinspiration, secularwisdom, spiritualdiscernment, wisdomfromsecularsources
Coach's Corner 10: Why I Hate (and Love) Christmas
Episode | December 19th, 2023 | 6 mins 22 secs
catholic, catholic ministry, disciples, evangelism, evangelization, making disciples, ministry, ministry leaders
In this time of preparation for Christmas, do you find it hard to slow down? To appreciate the way Jesus comes to us? Small and humble. Well, I certainly do. I love Christmas, but I’ll be honest, I have conflicting emotions. I want salvation to be bright and loud! I want the world to be all better, and I want it to be all better now. And yet, the Lord asks us, especially during this season, to trust in his slow work and maybe to slow down a bit ourselves.
Episode 134: How to Become a Contagious Catholic with Marcel LeJeune
Episode | December 12th, 2023 | 1 hr 1 min
catholic, catholic ministry, catholic mission, church transformation, contagious catholic, disciples, discipleship, evangelism, evangelization, faith and spirituality, inspirational christianity, making disciples, marcel lejeune, ministry, ministry leaders, parish involvement, prayer life
Have you ever met a contagious Catholic? I'm not talking about cold and flu season here – I mean meeting someone whose faith is so vibrant and inspiring that it makes you want to deepen your own spiritual journey. Well, today, I had the joy of chatting with one such individual. Marcel LeJeune helped create the world’s largest campus ministry at Texas A&M, and he spills his secrets on infusing your faith with contagious enthusiasm. One of his gems from our conversation: “Your inadequacies to the task at hand that you want to accomplish are nothing in the hands of a God who is infinitely powerful. All He has is messed up, sinful, insufficient people for the task that he wants to accomplish, and He laughs at us. All He asks is us to give Him a little bit of room and a small yes, and then get out of His way. Because here's the thing. I am neither the most talented, the smartest, certainly not the best looking of any of the people that I know, even in my local community. I'm not the best evangelist. I'm not the best theologian. I'm not the best writer or speaker. I'm not the best person to have a conversation with. I'm not the best listener. I'm not best at any of those things. And yet, God can still do big things through me, and you because God is bigger than I am and bigger than you.”
Episode 133: How to Engage Outsiders: Strategies for Sharing the Catholic Faith with Mallory Smyth
Episode | December 5th, 2023 | 45 mins 9 secs
catholic, catholic faith, catholic ministry, catholicism insights, disciples, engaging outsiders, evangelism, evangelization, evangelization strategies, faith journey, making disciples, mallory smythe, navigating doubt, personal narratives in faith, rekindled book, saints' impact on faith
How important is it to care about what outsiders think of the Catholic Church? Discover the significance of bridging the gap between the Church and those who may feel distant. In this episode, we dive into Mallory Smythe's remarkable journey back to Catholicism, exploring her encounters with saints, the power of personal narratives, and strategies for engaging outsiders in conversations about faith. Mallory's compelling journey, shared in her book, 'Rekindled,' not only offers a shot in the arm for your faith but also provides a roadmap for engaging with others and fostering a deeper connection with the Church.
Coach's Corner 9: How to BLESS others: The Art of Authentic Evangelization
Episode | November 28th, 2023 | 8 mins 33 secs
catholic, catholic ministry, disciples, evangelism, evangelization, making disciples, ministry, ministry leaders
Do you feel a desire to share your faith but worry about coming across as pushy or insincere? I get it. When I go into a relationship with the motive to evangelize, it can be hard to feel genuine. That's why I want to share some practical ways with you to engage others naturally, without any hint of proselytizing. In today’s episode, I delve into the distinction between true evangelization and proselytism, drawing insights from Pope Francis. Together, we'll explore the BLESS method – a practical acronym designed to help us engage with others in a way that feels authentic. And here's a reassuring reminder: none of this is about success. Our Heavenly Father loves you just for trying, just for joining your heart to His, which longs for the return of the lost sheep.
Episode 132: 400 for Thanksgiving Dinner: Serving the Poor with St. Peter’s Church
Episode | November 21st, 2023 | 32 mins 55 secs
breaking down homelessness stereotypes, building connections through kindness, catholic, catholic ministry, disciples, evangelism, evangelization, faith-based outreach, gratitude and service, impactful service initiatives, making disciples, ministry, ministry leaders, omaha community initiatives, st. vincent de paul society., stories of positive change, thanksgiving community service, youth involvement in community service
How much can a simple act of kindness impact someone's life? How can your involvement in community initiatives create meaningful connections? If you've ever felt a calling to connect with those in need, this conversation is for you. It’s a journey of faith, partnership, and service, guiding you to take the first step. Discover the profound stories that emerge when people come together and learn how your simple acts of kindness can make a lasting difference in the lives of others.
Episode 131: How to Build the Spiritual Habits of Consistancy and Honesty in Prayer
Episode | November 14th, 2023 | 50 mins 16 secs
authentic prayer experiences, catholic, catholic ministry, consistent prayer, daily prayer routine, disciples, healing through prayer, honest conversations with god, jim beckman insights, ministry, ministry leaders, ministry leadership challenges, modern culture and prayer, prayer transformation, spiritual growth
Ever wondered why prayer sometimes feels like you are talking to yourself? Do you ever look around at other leaders in your parish, thinking they've got it all figured out in the prayer department while you're struggling to keep up? Or maybe you just crave a deeper connection with God. Today’s guest, Jim Beckman, breaks open the art of prayer. According to Jim, prayer is meant to be a real heart-to-heart with God, an open and honest exchange. As he puts it, “You can't deceive Him. You can't trick Him. You can't hide anything from Him. So why not just give up on that right away and just be who you are.”
Episode 130: Broadcasting Your Belief: How Lane Grindle Brings Faith into His Profession
Episode | November 7th, 2023 | 52 mins 29 secs
balancing faith and work, catholic, christian perspective on career, daily prayer, faith and career, faith and sports industry, faith in sports broadcasting, faith integration, family and sports broadcasting, holy decisions in everyday life, inspirational faith stories, lane grindle, lane grindle interview, lane grindle podcast interview., lane grindle's wisdom, marriage and faith, milwaukee brewers announcer, professional life and faith, spiritual growth, spiritual journey, weekly confession
How much does faith play a role in your professional life? Do you ever feel like you separate your “Christian self” from your “work self”? The endeavor to unite our relationship with Jesus with all aspects of life is an ongoing, imperfect, but vital journey to go on. Today, I had an incredibly insightful conversation with Lane Grindle, the play-by-play announcer for the Milwaukee Brewers, who shared his approach to balancing his career in sports broadcasting with his faith and family life. Lane underscores the importance of daily prayer, weekly confession, and faith-related conversations with his spouse as essential practices. He openly acknowledges his imperfections and emphasizes the significance of making a consistent effort to nurture his faith over time.
Coach's Corner 8: Expand Your Influence - How to Lead When You’re NOT the Boss
Episode | October 31st, 2023 | 9 mins 15 secs
art of leadership, complementing leader strengths and weaknesses, effective leadership in non-leadership roles, expanding influence, influence and impact, leadership development, leadership in different contexts, leadership skills, leadership without authority, leading when not the boss, making a positive impact, navigating leadership challenges., patience and persistence in leadership, personal growth and leadership, podcast on leadership, practical leadership strategies, respecting authority figures, teamwork and collaboration, thought-provoking leadership, working harmoniously with leaders
Have you ever found yourself in a situation where your passion and vision are extremely compelling, but you're not the one calling the shots? Sometimes, our leaders might not tick all the boxes when it comes to vision, delegation, or communication, and it can be downright frustrating. But, effective leadership isn't just about titles. No matter where you stand in the hierarchy, you have the power to make a significant impact. Learn how to navigate the delicate balance of influence, patience, and persistence in order to make a difference.
Episode 129: Free to Be Generous: Catholic Money Management
Episode | October 24th, 2023 | 55 mins 35 secs
catholic financial education, catholic financial management, catholic perspective on money, debt reduction strategies, faith and financial freedom, faith-based financial decisions, financial success stories., generosity and giving, managing money with faith, personal finance advice
Do you ever feel like you don't have enough to give? Maybe there's debt to tackle, too many bills this month, or just not much left in the budget. But we know the Lord wants us to be generous! So, how can you increase your charitable giving when it seems there's nothing to spare? I had the pleasure of talking with Jonathan and Amanda Teixeira, financial experts who provide education and guidance on managing money from a Catholic perspective. When you manage money through a Catholic lens, it means considering a broader range of values, from ethical investments to personal vocation, allowing you to make better financial choices while deepening your faith. Explore with me today the role of generosity in experiencing financial freedom and joy.